The project of the extended Ruská Street is based on an urban study of the architect Josef Pleskot. It solves the transport and technical infrastructure for the complex of the National Cultural Heritage Site Dolní Vítkovice and enables better traffic and pedestrian access to buildings in this industrial area. It provides access to tourist attractions and at the same time it separates them from the adjacent factory plants.
The total length of all new and reconstructed local roads is 1.18 kilometres. The construction includes the extended Ruská Street from former gatehouse below the Místecká Street to the Small World of Technology, the extended branch of the Vítkovická Street from the exit from the Místecká Street at Hlubina to the connection to the extended Ruská Street and the entry and part of an inter-complex road near the newly built gatehouse VR1. The total area affected by the project´s implementation is 4.21 hectares. These are regenerated and revitalized lands where, alongside the roads, pavements, green areas and gravel surfaces have arisen.