HOCHTIEF CZ a. s. is part of the HOCHTIEF group and one of the leading construction companies in the Czech Republic. Therefore, it feels obligated and takes as a standard to be a reliable, respected and responsible partner for its customers, employees, suppliers and all other parties involved in its business activities.
HOCHTIEF CZ a. s. continuously improves its management system it has had implemented for a long time and continuously enhances its efficiency. The management system in HOCHTIEF CZ is integrated and covers the areas of quality, environmental protection, occupational health and safety and information security.
In accordance with its strategy, HOCHTIEF CZ a. s. sets the following principles, which the Executive Board of the company undertakes to ensure and requires enforcement of and compliance with them.
- By execution of products and provision of services in accordance with the requirements of the legal regulations and other relevant requirements in the areas of quality, environmental protection and occupational health and safety and information security taking into account all needs and expectations of the parties involved, by risk and chance management, for our customers’ satisfaction, we consolidate and extend our competitive advantages.
- We closely track and assess our customers’ satisfaction level and continuously improve the services we provide and the products we deliver.
- We provide information and communicate openly with the public and the other parties concerned about our company’s activities including their impact on the environment and about OHS-related issues.
- We build upon the continuous improvement principle and we maintain, develop and improve our Integrated Management System in order to increase its performance.
- We ensure all necessary resources for functioning and improvement of our Integrated Management System.
- We build relationships with our suppliers based on a partnership and we select new suppliers carefully. We evaluate our suppliers, focusing on compliance with the standards of our Integrated Management System.
- We react readily and flexibly to changes in the legal regulations, new know-how, technical development, changes in the necessary resources that are available, to changes in expectations and needs of our customers and all parties involved in all of our business segments.
- When acquiring assets, introducing new technologies and buying material, we put special emphasis on the requirements of quality, environmental protection and occupational health and safety.
- We discuss the issues of quality, environmental protection and occupational health and safety at the workplaces with the staff and their representatives and we encourage them to participate in the process of dealing with them.
- We ensure safe and healthy working conditions relating to the prevention of accidents at work and damage to health as well as the conditions for environmental protection including prevention of pollution.
- We improve the quality of our products and services, we prevent adverse impacts on the environment arising from our activities, eliminate hazards and reduce risks in the area of OHS.
- The information needed for our business is always available to the authorized staff and all employees are trained in the information security adequately to their job responsibilities.