Mistřín, Sewage treatment plant

This joint project comprises the completion of the sewerage system and its discharge into a single new central sewage treatment plant built on a greenfield site.


Location: Mistřín, Hodonín
Investor: Association of communities Hovorany, Šardice, Svatobořice-Mistřín
Realization: HOCHTIEF VSB division 1
Type: Complex of technological structures
Constuction time: 10/2002 - 08/2004
Description: The sewage tratment plant at Mistřín is designed as a mechanical-biological treatment plant with nitrification, denitrification, aerobic sludge stabilization (chemical phosphorus precipitation and mechanical dewatering). The unified sewerage system of approximately 13 km (incl. deliveries of 5.6 and 1.7 km) includes a number of structures - overflows, inverted siphons, pipe jacking, catch pits. In places where it is not possible to carry out gravitational connection to the sewer system, 11 sewage pumping stations are installed. This project was realized thanks to financing from the European Union, programme PHARE.