Prunéřov, Reclamation of Northern Quarry

The Prunéřov power stations represent the largest complex of coal-fired power stations in the Czech Republic. They are situated on the western border of the north-Bohemian brown coal basin near the town of Chomutov.


Location: Prunéřov
Investor: ČEZ a.s.
Realization: HOCHTIEF VSB division 1
Type: Complex of technological objects
Construction time: 04/2002 - 10/2004
Main indicators:  Deposit altogether 25,510 mill. cu.m of material. 
The resulting life span of the dumping space is about 11 years (2003 to 2014), depending on the yield of the power stations this period might be extended.

Technologically they consist of two parts. At present, the older part, Prunéřov I Power Station, has only four 110 MW blocks. The Prunéřov II Power Station is the most recent coal-fired power station of ČEZ, a.s. with five 210 MW blocks which were gradually put into operation in the years 1981 and 1982. 

The Prunéřov power stations are among the largest suppliers of power for the distribution network. At the same time, they supply heat to Chomutov, Jirkov and Klášterec nad Ohří. The installed output for the supply of heat is 500 MW. The fuel is energy brown coal which is extracted in the Doly Nástup Tušimice quarries of Severočeské doly a.s. (North Bohemian Mines). With a view to the fact that both power stations are expected to remain in full operation in coming years, both Prunéřov I and Prunéřov II were additionally equipped with desulphurizing plants. In both stations, the wet limestone elution method was chosen. In connection with the changes and modifications of technology, also the way of handling energetic by-products also changes. Hydraulic ash removing is gradually substituted with dumping of energetic by-products onto the dumping ground of the Merkur quarry of Doly Nástup Tušimice. 

The Northern Quarry project comprises the preparation of a previously specified area for dumping a certified product as backfill material for filling extracted strip mine spaces and shaping the relief of the landscape. Part of the project is the completion of the existing technological equipment for the transport and filling of this material. The technological equipment will at the same time be used for the separate depositing of energy gypsum. This will be placed in cases safe from water penetration, to be used later as a raw material for industrial processing in the building industry.