Prague, The Business and Culture Centre Gemini - preparing of construction site

We prepare the construction site for erecting the Business and Culture Centre Gemini in Prague 4.


Location: Prague
Investor: Immorent ČR, Strabag
Realization: HOCHTIEF CZ a. s., Traffic Infrastructure Division
Construction time: 07/2005 - 11/2007
Main indicators: excavating a foundation pit about 85,000 m3
Description: The project principally involves demolition on the site of the once bus station between the streets of Pikrtova, Hvězdova and Na Pankráci.

The part of preparing of construction site is the rid of all contaminated earth from the location and excavating a foundation pit about 85,000 m3 in volume. Two factors that may influence the duration of the task are relocating the sewer system and water mains.