Týn nad Vltavou, Steel bridge reconstruction

Reconstruction of a steel bridge listed as historic monument, including the public services which had to be dismantled, newly laid and reconnected in a very short period of time.


Location: Týn nad Vltavou
Investor: Municpality of  Týn nad Vltavou
Realization: HOCHTIEF VSB division 1
Type: Reconstruction
Construction time: 05/1996 - 10/1996
Main indicators: Length: 50 metres
Decsription: The load-bearing steel structure of the bridge dating from the last century was first repaired and sand-blasted before the execution of the paint coat. A crucial problem was the short deadline of a fortnight for the  dismantling of all existing public services, i.e. sewerage, water supply, heat supply, strong current and telecommunication lines, replacing these services with new installations and reconnecting them on both bridge heads of a length of 12 and 10 metres, including the replacement of both expansion bearings. Finally, a new bridge deck, adequate to this project, was carried out.