Volduchy, Logistic Mall Spedition Duvenbeck

Logistics area of Spedition Duvenbeck is situated in the industrial zone near the road Svojkovice Volduchy, about 10 km form Rokycany and it is well visible from the highway from Prague to Pilsen.


Location: Volduchy near Rokycany
Investor: DIL Czech Leasing Volduchy Koncernová s.r.o.
Realization: HOCHTIEF VSB division 1
Type: Storage hall
Construction time: 06/2004 - 11/2004
Main indicators: Storage hall: 2302 sq.m
Office extension: 343 sq.m
Roads and  parking space for lorries: 9120 sq.m
Description: The building in question is a forwarding hall with an additional administrative part.  The hall itself is made of light steel construction, cladding is not heat insulated and it is founded on pylons.  Reinforced fiber concrete floor of the hall has an increased resistance to abrasion. The ground floor administrative part is internally divided by plasterboard walls and it is intended to serve the management of the company and holds the necessary sanitary installations for employees and truck drivers.   The surrounding areas of the object consist of a service communication, handling areas with floodlights for night unloading of trucks and parking spaces for trucks.   Part of the project was the creation of an embankment of approximately 9700m3 on the entire premises of the area to level out the entry ratios.  Upon the request of the client, the gray façade areas were livened up by constructions and elements in company colours; e.g. green gate leading to the hall, green socles, red strip on the attic addition etc.