Industrial projects Vsetín, Production premises of the company Mayer & Cie CZ, s.r.o. Přelouč, Hala KIEKERT Heřmanův Městec, rekonstrukce a modernizace produktovodu České Budějovice, Reconstruction and Completion of R. Bosch Factory Choustník, Warehouse and dispatch hall, Bohemia Chips Nelahozeves, Central Tank Farm Dukovany, Intermediate stock of burnt-out fuel in Nuclear Power Plant České Velenice, Pressing shop Magna Stamping Chvaletice, Desulphurization of the power station Plzeň, Assembling plant Siemens - 1st, 2nd and 3rd stage Temelín, Nuclear Power Plant Prague, Cargoterminal ČSA Volduchy, Borgers Production Works Žebrák, New production hall and social administrative building Mubea Olší, Efaflex CZ manufacturing compound Tušimice, slag removal and waste water utilization at Tušimice Power Plant Nepolisy, Backbone Air Defence Radar Volduchy, Logistic Mall Spedition Duvenbeck Písek, Construction of technological channels AISIN České Budějovice, Developmental center and energy center of R. Bosch company Temelín, Secondary protection of the external cladding of cooling towers in Temelín nuclear plant. Kolín, Car plant TPCA - technology Kaplice, Assembly and storage hall D+G Elektrik Kaplice Dukovany, Burnt-out fuel storehouse in Nuclear Power Plant Mohelnice, New production plant Lukavec, Annex building to storage and shipment hall Votice, Strom Telecom Factory Building České Velenice, Welding hall annex Magna Cartech Teplice, Construction of the Knauf Insulation Production Works Pilsen, Production unit GHP Direct Mail Radčice Planá nad Lužnicí, Production hall Silon - Compounds České Budějovice, Robert Bosch Manufacturing Hall and Logistics Centre « 1 2 »