Division Building Moravia provides comprehensive supplies of the following:

  • Ecological projects
  • Industrial buildings
  • Residential and office complexes
  • Public and water management constructions

Since the beginning, the division has been active particularly in the area of Northern Moravia and is one of the youngest divisions of the company HOCHTIEF CZ. It further extends its reach through its branches in:

  • Brno
  • Olomouc

Current projects of the division

Brno, Construction of athletic hall Campus

Brno, Construction of athletic hall Campus

Helfštýn, Reconstruction of Castle

Helfštýn, Reconstruction of Castle

Brno, ZOO – Construction of New Outdoor Chimpanzee Exhibit

Brno, ZOO – Construction of New Outdoor Chimpanzee Exhibit

Čechy pod Kosířem, Reconstruction of Roofs

Čechy pod Kosířem, Reconstruction of Roofs

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Reference projects

Vsetín, Production premises of the company Mayer & Cie CZ, s.r.o.

Vsetín, Production premises of the company Mayer & Cie CZ, s.r.o.

Brno, The University Hospital Brno – Oncology Centre Extension

Brno, The University Hospital Brno – Oncology Centre Extension

Construction of a new air traffic control tower and operation centre at the Leoš Janáček Airport in Ostrava

Construction of a new air traffic control tower and operation centre at the Leoš Janáček Airport in Ostrava

Ostrava-Vítkovice, Municipal Stadium

Ostrava-Vítkovice, Municipal Stadium

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  • Place of business

    HOCHTIEF CZ a. s., division Building Moravia

    Sokolská třída 2800/99
    702 00 Ostrava - Moravská Ostrava


    Phone: +420 597 310 202
    Fax:       +420 596 134 035

    Email:    morava@hochtief.cz

  •  Olomouc

    HOCHTIEF CZ a. s., division Building Moravia

    Jeronýmova 493/8
    779 00 Olomouc


    Phone: +420 585 750 134
    Fax: +420 585 750 134

    E-mail: michala.kucerova@hochtief.cz
    Contact person: Michala Kučerová, assistant

  •  Brno

    HOCHTIEF CZ a. s., division Building Moravia

    Lány 606/72
    625 00 Brno


    Telefon: +420 547 233 924

    E-mail: sona.mrkvicova@hochtief.cz
    Contact person: Soňa Mrkvicová - assistant